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- 24Appeals and claims
- 4Publications
- 3Archives and Libraries
- 3Punitive
- 7Cadastre
- 3Rate
- 9Citizen's rights
- 4Real Estate
- 3Complaints and suggestions
- 1state pensions
- 7Contracting and patrimonial responsibility
- 1Statistics
- 4Contracts
- 17Subsidies and Grants
- 91Customs
- 533Taxes
- 21Digital certificate
- 22Tobacco Market
- 5Employment and public employees
- 1Training
- 2Europeos Funds
- 1Treasury and Financial Policy
- 9Financing of Autonomous Regions
- 4Vehicle Fleet
- 3Financing of Local Entities
- 6Wealth
- 9Public Information
Common Ministry Headquarters services
Obtain certificates or authentic copies of documents and files which, for reasons of time, are held in general archives, historical archives or similar entities.
Bibliographical information | SIA code: 991979
Deal with enquiries of a bibliographical nature which citizens may make in order to locate specific rules or works and their subsequent consultation or request for copying
Archive information. | SIA code: 991699
Request information on data held in the General Archive which, due to the long period of time it has been held, is of free access to citizens and researchers.
Administrative Information. | SIA code: 991980
Deal with enquiries of an administrative nature corresponding to the Department that citizens may make, provided they are of a general nature and do not affect data protected by the law in force.
Editorial Information | SIA code: 991981
Deal with enquiries and orders for publications that citizens may make