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- 24Appeals and claims
- 4Publications
- 3Archives and Libraries
- 3Punitive
- 7Cadastre
- 3Rate
- 9Citizen's rights
- 4Real Estate
- 3Complaints and suggestions
- 1state pensions
- 7Contracting and patrimonial responsibility
- 1Statistics
- 4Contracts
- 17Subsidies and Grants
- 91Customs
- 533Taxes
- 21Digital certificate
- 22Tobacco Market
- 5Employment and public employees
- 1Training
- 2Europeos Funds
- 1Treasury and Financial Policy
- 9Financing of Autonomous Regions
- 4Vehicle Fleet
- 3Financing of Local Entities
- 6Wealth
- 9Public Information
Common Ministry Headquarters services
Claim recruitment (Royal Decreto-ley 3/2020, of 4 february). | SIA code: 1161136
Claim that can appear as provided in Article 119 of the royal Decreto-ley 3/2020, 4 February, urgent measures by entering the Spanish legal system various directives of the European Union in the field of public procurement in certain sectors; of private insurance; plans and pension funds; the scope tax and fiscal litigation.
Are presented in the cases provided for in article 44 of law 9/2017, of 8 november, on public Sector contracts.
Presentation of allegations in the different proceedings brought before the Central Administrative Court for Contact Appeals. Special appeal against contracting /claim in an award procedure and issues of invalidity.
Online Bookshop | SIA code: 750554
Purchase of official publications
Study and research awards | SIA code: 185160
Study and research awards