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- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
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Excise taxes. Refund of unduly paid excise taxes | SIA code: 997904
Application by the taxpayer paying the tax or output VAT at the Excise Tax Management Office, which processes and decides the applicability or non-applicability of the refund.
Form 596. Excise Taxes. Annual declaration of Operations Performed. Coal Tax | SIA code: 997905
Compliance with formal requirements for filing the annual summary declaration of operations with products subject to excise taxes.
Forms 518/519/520. Excise taxes. Work declarations | SIA code: 997906
Excise taxes. Work declarations. Fulfilment of the formal requirements for submitting work declarations, incident reports and results of operations of products subject to tax on alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
Form 559. Excise Duties: fulfilment of formal requirements for submitting the return-assessment for taxes on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Artisan and harvester distilling schemes.
Register procedure. Precursors | SIA code: 997909
Register of Foreign Trade Operators of Catalogued Chemical Substances