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Result: 533 Online Services
Checking tax obligations | SIA code: 2264439
The procedure for checking tax obligations will check proper compliance with tax obligations and actions, elements and evaluations
Excise taxes. Supply of exempt products. NATO armed forces | SIA code: 181830
Authorisation of exempt supplies to the armed forces of any NATO state, other than Spain, for products subject to special taxes on alcohol and alcoholic beverages, subject to the tobacco products tax, electricity tax and on fuels destined for the facilities of these forces, including in the target area of the hydrocarbons tax
My documents awaiting signature | SIA code: 2311238
New service for the signing of documents by taxpayers on the Tax Agency's e-Office.
Refund of the quotas paid for the Excise Duties on hydrocarbons and retail sales of certain hydrocarbons directly supplied to the vehicles of beneficiaries, acquired by means of payment cards approved by the Customs and Excise Department.
Processing the presentation of files relating to Form 980 returns for Information on penalty interest paid to taxpayers by the Autonomous Regions.