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- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
- Taxes
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Result: 529 Online Services
Enable taxpayers who wish to apply the regime to communicate this fact electronically to the Tax Agency within the deadline and attach specific documentation.
Form 993. Control of tax deductions for autonomous communities. | SIA code: 201009
Control of tax deductions for autonomous communities.
Unrequested tax concessions. | SIA code: 200984
Processing of unrequested tax concessions.
Cash payment complaint | SIA code: 200985
Report to the Tax Agency and identify the other party when a payment is made in cash for an amount equal to or above the set limit of €1,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency (€10,000 if the payer is an individual who is not acting as a professional businessperson with a foreign tax address). If this is done by one of the parties to the transaction within three months of payment, they will be exempted from liability for the subsequent infringement. However, the simultaneous lodging of a complaint by both parties to the transaction will not exonerate either of them from liability.
Amendment of tax registry details | SIA code: 200986
Registration verification aims to check the correctness of the data provided by parties liable for tax in their tax returns, in accordance with the data provided or declared by the party liable for the tax payment, the data held by the Administration and via the physical and documentary examination of the facts and circumstances at the headquarters, offices, premises and establishments of the party liable for the tax payment.