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- Customs
- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
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Result: 89 Online Services
Authorisation procedure for places where goods for export are presented.
Declaration of temporary deposit | SIA code: 992134
Tax procedure for submitting temporary deposit declarations. This is a prior requirement for assigning a customs destination to the goods entering the community customs territory and, generally speaking, must be submitted prior to the arrival of the goods in said territory. In the case of goods entering by sea, the declaration can be submitted in paper format or electronically via EDIFACT message, via INTERNET, either to the Port Authorities or to the Tax Agency itself, by virtue of the one-stop-shop between the Tax Agency and the State Port authority. In the case of air transport, it is directly submitted to the Tax Agency.
Authorisation to declare through accounting entries (including provisioning).
Register procedure. Precursors | SIA code: 997909
Register of Foreign Trade Operators of Catalogued Chemical Substances
Precursor activity licences | SIA code: 997910
Activity licence for foreign trade operators of catalogued chemical substances