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Result: 528 Online Services

  • Revocation of Tax Management decisionsGo to procedure Revocation of Tax Management decisions - Open in new window - Exit Ministry Headquarters | SIA code: 998047

    Special review procedure, through which the tax administration may reverse its decisions in benefit of the interested parties, in the following three cases: 1. When it is considered that it manifestly infringes the law. 2. When circumstances that occur and affect a specific legal situation demonstrate the legal inadmissibility of the challenged decision. 3. When the formalities of the procedure lead to the defencelessness of the interested parties.

  • Debt deferral and staged paymentsGo to procedure Debt deferral and staged payments - Open in new window - Exit Ministry Headquarters | SIA code: 992010

    Request, procedure, ruling and notification of deferral and instalments proceedings granted to the party liable for the payment when their economic and financial situation temporarily prevents them from paying their debts within the established deadlines. Those debts within the voluntary or executive period may be deferred or paid in instalments under the terms statutorily established and at the request of the party liable for the tax payment, when their economic and financial situation temporarily prevents them from paying their debts within the established deadlines. Tax debts the exaction of which is carried out by means of stamp duties may not be deferred or paid in instalments. Neither may the debts be deferred or paid in instalments that correspond to obligations to pay taxes that must be fulfilled by the withholder or liable party when making payments on account, except in those cases and under those conditions envisaged in the tax regulations.

  • Rectification of errors in Tax Management decisions.Go to procedure Rectification of errors in Tax Management decisi... - Open in new window - Exit Ministry Headquarters | SIA code: 998037

    Procedure designed to obtain, at any time and automatically by the local office or at the request of the interested party, rectification of material errors, whether factual or arithmetic, by the authority that handed down the decision, as long as the time limit has not expired.

  • VIESGo to procedure VIES - Open in new window - Exit Ministry Headquarters | SIA code: 998305

    Consultation of taxpayers' situation in the register of intra-Community operators.

  • Remittance of information to public administrations for tax-related purposes.Go to procedure Remittance of information to public administrati... - Open in new window - Exit Ministry Headquarters | SIA code: 998307

    Electronic remittance of information to the public administrations required to process certain administrative procedures under their competence. The information supplied will substitute the certificate which, in other cases, must be provided by the interested parties in the procedure.