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- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
- Taxes
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Result: 529 Online Services
Authorisations. Application for special reinvestment plans. | SIA code: 997867
Valuation by Audit of special reinvestment plans that state that, due to their technical characteristics, investment or start-up must take place in a time period greater than that stipulated in Section 6, Article 42 of Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004, of 5 March, in order to apply a deduction for reinvestment of extraordinary profit. This period runs from the year preceding the date of disposal of the transferred asset and the three subsequent years.
Request for information from Collection | SIA code: 997868
Procedure to request information, reports, history and supporting documents that affect taxes.
Tax collection. Precautionary measures. | SIA code: 997869
Legal instrument for ensuring collection of the tax debt, wherethrough the local office may adopt provisional precautionary measures when there is reasonable evidence that said collection would otherwise be impeded or severely hampered. The precautionary measure shall be notified to the affected party explicitly mentioning the reasons that justify adoption thereof. The measures shall be proportionate to the damage to be avoided and in the strictly necessary amount to ensure collection of the debt. Those which can produce damage that is difficult or impossible to repair shall in no case be adopted.
Excise taxes. Occupational diesel. Submission of supply lists | SIA code: 997902
Excise Duties. List of diesel supplies submitted by collaborating organisations, made to authorised vehicles at retail sales facilities, using an occupational diesel card as the payment method, or at own-consumption facilities to authorised vehicles
Excise taxes. Annual list of kilometres covered | SIA code: 997876
Excise Duties. Submission of the annual list of kilometres covered by vehicles registered in the register of beneficiaries of refunds for occupational diesel and vehicles owned by them