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- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
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Facilitate filing of the self-assessment for corporation tax and non-resident income tax (permanent establishments and organisations under the income allocation system incorporated abroad with presence in Spanish territory). Taxpayers that have to pay taxes simultaneously to various local offices (national treasury and regional treasury), shall file a self-assessment with the national treasury in the manner indicated and with the regional treasuries in the terms approved by these.
Form 220. Corporation tax. Consolidated tax system. Payment or refund document. | SIA code: 997801
Filing of the return-settlement for corporation tax under the taxation system for company groups.
Registration verification aims to check the correctness of the data provided by parties liable for tax in their tax returns, in accordance with the data provided or declared by the party liable for the tax payment, the data held by the Administration and via the physical and documentary examination of the facts and circumstances at the headquarters, offices, premises and establishments of the party liable for the tax payment.
Tax certificates. Issue of tax certificates. Personal Income Tax. | SIA code: 997967
Issuance of documents certifying the facts relating to the tax situation of a party liable for a tax payment.
VAT. Refund. Refund procedure. Groups of organisations. | SIA code: 997986
The purpose of the procedure is to refund the appropriate amounts pursuant to the regulations for Value Added Tax. These refunds are derived from the regulations that correspond to amounts duly deposited or paid as a result of applying the Tax. This same consideration is given to the payments on account that the Tax Agency is obliged to make as advance deductions carried out for any kind of tax.