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Result: 219 Pages

  • Guía de Navegación

    Aceptar todas las cookies Solo cookies propias ... How to use the Central Online Office of this Ministry ... This Central Online Office offers links to other websites and electronic ...

  • Notificaciones Electrónicas

    Aceptar todas las cookies Solo cookies propias ... Articles 40 to 46 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations regulates ...

  • Política de Privacidad

    Aceptar todas las cookies Solo cookies propias ... The personal data requested in the electronic procedures and services of this Central Electronic Office are managed in accordance ...

  • Quejas y sugerencias

    Aceptar todas las cookies Solo cookies propias ... In compliance with Article 38.3 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector and article 11.2 (b) of ...

  • Site map

    Aceptar todas las cookies Solo cookies propias ... Online Services and Procedures Online Alerts Digital Signature ... Electronic Offices attached to the Ministry's Central Electronic ...