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- Customs
- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
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Result: 89 Online Services
Consult Laboratory Bulletins. | SIA code: 998267
Provides information on the procedure status of Laboratory Bulletins in relation to Customs and Excise.
Payment and foreign trade enquiries. | SIA code: 998268
This provides a list, for a specific taxpayer, of the assessments made by the Tax Agency on foreign trade transactions that have payments due and which are still in the voluntary payment period (the corresponding payment slip may be printed or payment may be made electronically) or that may have already been paid.
To authorise or withdraw permission for inclusion of the taxpayer's details regarding foreign trade operations in the directory of the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX).
Registries and census: Foreign Trade Directory register authorisation-revocation | SIA code: 998270
To authorise or withdraw permission for inclusion of the taxpayer's details in relation to foreign trade operations, in the directory of the High Council of Chambers of Commerce.
Customs office obligations: Authorisation of authorised banana weighers. | SIA code: 202443
Customs procedure authorising banana weighers