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- Customs
- State Tax Administration Agency. AEAT
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Result: 89 Online Services
Transit: Authorised consignee of the EU/common. | SIA code: 203648
Procedure authorising the simplification of consignees of the European Union and/or common transit.
Transit: Authorised consignor of the EU/common. | SIA code: 203649
Procedure authorising the simplification of consignors of the European Union and/or common transit.
Transit: Consignee authorised under the TIR system. | SIA code: 203650
Procedure to authorise the simplification of the consignee under the TIR agreement.
Transit: Simplified procedures for air cargo transport (level I). | SIA code: 203651
Procedure authorising the simplification of transit by the use of air cargo manifests.
Excise taxes. It enables the receipt of pure alcohol from a factory or bonded warehouse and to denature it in the destination establishment using a general denaturant.