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- Complaints and suggestions
- General Inspection
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General complaints and suggestions for the Ministry of Finance and the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise
Complaints about the poor service provided by the public services of the Ministry of Finance (excluding the Tax Agency) and the State Secretariat for Economy and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise. Also submission of suggestions for the improvement of these public services.
Body Responsible: General Inspection
Matter: Complaints and suggestions
SIA code: 991960
- Access to this service is by means of a secure server and, as a requirement, users must identify themselves by means of one of the methods available through the Cl@ve service: Cl@ve PIN, Cl@ve Permanente or Digital Certificate. Information on Cl@ve.
- For all technical or content-related enquiries: inspeccion.estadistica@hacienda.gob.es
- Link to the downloadable form (PDF approx. 988.50 KB) to process the procedure in person by submitting it at any of the offices in the network of registry assistance offices.