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Petition for certificates and authentic copies of documents and files held at the Central Archive.

Obtain certificates or authentic copies of documents and files which, for reasons of time, are held in general archives, historical archives or similar entities.

Body Responsible: Technical General Secretariat

Matter: Archives and Libraries

SIA code: 991697

  • This platform is accessed by using a secure communication channel and, as an essential requirement, you should have an electronic identity card (e-ID) or a recognized X509.3 certificate, based either on a logic carrier (a file) or on a physical carrier (a cryptographic card).
  • Access is by way of a Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 browser or later, Netscape 4.72, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later.
  • For any other enquiries regarding the services offered by the General Archive:
  • For technical queries or queries about the content of the website: